in Taiwan
Here we'll put all the stuff that is more general in nature, or those things that fall under more than one category.
1. Don't waste any time studying until you know exactly how to study. This is the most important lesson.
2. Constantly update the wrong sentence patterns that are in your mind. Whenever you hear a spoken sentence or see a written sentence, compare it with the sentence you would use to express the same thing: the sentence that you store in your mind. If the two ways are different, your way is probably wrong. Check it. If it is wrong, try to forget the old way and replace it with the new way. Your old way will probably be Chinese English. Don't use it again. Of course there are many ways to express the same thing so be careful . . . . Read More
Exams are killers. They beat you up, mind and body, and leave you close to dying. And the more that depends on a good result, the closer you get . . . Well it can feel like that anyway. Full Story