in Taiwan
Exams are killers. They beat you up, mind and body, and leave you close to dying. And the more that depends on a good result, the closer you get.
Well it can feel like that anyway.
We have all been there: those life-and-death situations, where your whole future lies in the balance. And when it comes to IELTS, If you need that band 6 to get into Imperial College, you are going to be pressuring yourself long before you even enter the examination room.
But it doesn't have to be like this; we can learn to approach exams differently. Learn techniques to overcome the stress and help us to realize our true potential.
Physically, you can do a lot. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise.
But the real issue is how you can calm your mind.
Keep telling yourself that IELTS is not the most important test you're ever going to take in your life, because that is the truth. Let's face it, if you really don't get into Imperial College, what's going to happen to you? You'll just enter a lesser-known school, and probably do better there. And you'll save yourself a lot of money in the process! What's so bad about that? Such a mind-control technique is hardly a trick; it's more like facing up to the truth of the matter.
Another thing you can do is to delay the worry. Ever time you feel yourself getting tense, just tell yourself you'll worry later. You are not going to try to give up worrying, because for some people that is impossible. You are just going to temporarily stop it. You can use this method right up untill you are in the exam room, and even there you can convince yourself that you'll get around to worrying just as soon as the test is over.